Check through the sections below to see your frequently asked questions…


How do I make a booking to dive with TDC?

We take all of our bookings via email. All we need from you are details of your trip (arrival and departure dates and times etc.) and we will communicate with you directly to discuss your trip and book you in for diving.
Is a deposit required to secure my booking with TDC?

We do usually require a deposit to book you in for diving, however if you are booking for a group ( >4 people), or during a busy period on the island, then we may ask for a 50% Non Refundable deposit to be paid directly to our bank account to secure your booking.

If you would like to pay in advance for your dive trip, this is, of course, no problem at all, just let us know and we can send you the details. You can also pay in advance via WISE with a 5% extra charge.

Please Note; We do accept cards  when you are here on the island. We accept cash only, in Malaysian Ringgits. If you would like to pay in a foreign currency, this is also possible, with an additional charge of 5%.

Do I need to be able to swim to learn how to dive?

YES!! In order to complete the basic Open Water Course (4 days), you are required to swim a minimum of 200m, without using floatation devices or touching the bottom, and also float unassisted for 10 minutes in water too deep to stand.

If you are not 100% confident in swimming, you could choose to complete the Scuba Diver Course (2 days), where you are only required to complete the 10 minute float.

If you are not able to swim or float, you can still take part in diving, by completing a TRY SCUBA with one of our Instructors. This is not a certification however it will give you a great taster for diving, and perhaps after a few swimming lessons at a local pool, you may be confident to complete a Course.

How is the diving day scheduled at TDC?

Here at TDC, we try to accommodate all of our divers needs and requests as much as possible. We usually plan the days’ diving, the previous day, having spoken to the divers and discussed some options.

Each day we dive at 9:30am and 3:30pm. These dives are based on a minimum of 4 divers for close by sites, and 6 divers for a trip to the outer islands.

When possible, we always try to arrange a ‘double dive trip’ for the 9:30am and 3:30pm dive slots. This gives us the opportunity to reach the further dive sites, such as Coral Island (based on a minimum of 6 divers). We leave the dive shop at 9:30am, and you will return at or before 1:30pm. TDC provide water onboard and snacks during your surface interval.

If a member of our group does not dive, is it possible for them to join the boat for snorkelling?

We do not usually organise snorkelling trips, as this is done through a local guide, however if a member of your group would like to join the dive boat for a 1 or 2 dive trip, this is certainly possible based on the number of divers (our boats have a maximum capacity of 12 pax). Please note that some dive sites are not suitable for snorkelling, however upon request, we can usually visit a suitable site. All snorkellers are required to take some form of floatation, provided by TDC. Either a Life Jacket, or a Life Ring. Equipment is included in the price below;

Single dive trip – RM60

Double dive trip – RM80

When is the best time for diving in Tioman?

The season in Tioman runs from early March to mid November. During this time, the absolute best months for diving in Tioman, would be from March – June, when we see great visibility and the island is quieter in terms of visitor numbers.
We are visiting as a family with small children. What are our options which will allow us to dive, but keep the children entertained?

We often cater to families with young children. Usually we work on a case by case basis, depending on your unique needs. If your children would like to join the boat for example, this would be possible. We have childrens sized life jackets, and one of your party can stay with the children on the boat, whilst the other dives, taking turns to stay with the children. Just let us know your situation in advance and we will try to accommodate you.
What do I need to bring for diving?

Just bring with you your swimming costume, swim shorts or bikini, a towel or sarong and for all certified divers, please remember to bring with you your certification card and/or log book so that we can check your dive certification before your dive. If you do not have your cert card or log book, just let us know in advance, with your Full Name (as it appears on your certification card, including any middle names), and your Date Of Birth. We can then check your cert online, before you even arrive on the island!


Are TDC able to arrange packages including accommodation etc. during my visit to Tioman?

Unfortunately, TDC are not able to arrange packages including accommodation and transport to the Tioman, however we have put together some information for you, about the various accommodation and transport options. Included under the ‘Accommodation’ and ‘How to Get To Tioman’ tabs are contact details, to help you make your bookings easily and directly. Do contact us by email if you require any extra information or advice, we will be happy to help you.
Where should I stay in Tioman so that I can dive with TDC?

Tioman Dive Centre is based within MY Scuba in Salang Village. If Salang Indah is fully booked, or is not suitable for you, there are a few other accommodation options close by the dive centre. For more information on accommodation, see our ‘Accommdoations’ tab.

Getting to Tioman Dive Centre

How do I find out the ferry times to Tioman and how do I make ferry bookings?

BlueWater Ferries runs one of the ferry service to Tioman Island. Their main port on the mainland is Mersing, however they also operate from a ferry terminal 40-minutes drive north of Mersing, called Tanjung Gemok.

The best and most reliable way to find out the ferry times is from BlueWater Ferries directly by calling them on +60 77 994 811. Just ask them for the specific dates that you are looking at.

You may be able to book via telephone by giving them your name and a contact number. The cost of a one way ferry ticket to Tioman from Mersing is RM65.

You can also book through a travel agent, such as the website however be aware that the price will be higher, as you are booking through an agent. This may be worth it for peace of mind, and ‘Tioman Ferry’ will send you an email link, as soon as the BlueWater schedule is released.

NB. Please note that the ferry schedule is only released by BlueWater Ferries on around the 15th of the previous month, so even if you book well in advance, you will not find out the ferry times until closer to the time

Different ferry companies often try to set up a route from Mersing or Tanjung Gemok to Tioman. At the moment, a company, called Dragon Star Shipping are running a ferry from Tanjung Gemok to Tioman. For more information, send us an email, or you can contact Dragon Star directly on one of the following phone numbers – 094131177 / 0192031177 / 0192061177

Arriving by ferry, how do we get to TDC from the ferry jetty?

If you are staying in Salang Village, the ferry terminal is located in the heart of the village. We will be happy to pick you up from the jetty and help you with your luggage. If you prefer to walk, it only takes 2-3 minutes. Just turn left, and walk straight down the road. You will find our dive centre on your left hand side.

General Island Information

Is there an ATM in Tioman?

There is one ATM located in Tekek Village. 99% of the time, it is in perfect working order, however as you can imagine, it can take time to be re-filled after a particularly busy weekend, so do not rely on this for all of your money needs. Remember that we can accept a bank transfer or WISE payment in advance if this is easier for you.
If I am vegetarian, is it easy to find vege food on the island?

There are a fair few restaurants in Salang Village itself. Some are better than others for vegetarian options, and if you ask any of the staff at the dive shop, we can point you in the right direction for your best choices.
Is there reliable WiFi on the island?

Being on an island, the WiFi and Mobile reception here is not 100% reliable all of the time, however most resorts in Salang offer WiFi. As you are on holiday, we hope that this is not too much of a problem for you.